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Fright Night 2011: A Movie Review

I apologize for the length of some of my posts, I tend to write like Charles Dickens, with lots and lots of detail >.<.

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Not Really A Post

I’m not really giving you guys an update on anything, I just want to share a picture of this awesome phone I got at a flea market. It’s from 1973 and cost me $2. I’m thinking about repainting it, what do you think?antique style phone

It Wasn’t Me, It Was The Recipe

Okay, I love to bake, I mean I REALLY love to bake, and I bake pretty darn good too if I do say so myself. Read the rest of this entry

The Help: My Thoughts About The Movie

Okay, so the other day I watched The Help, and boy was it not what I was expecting. It was a very good movie, but I had thought from the commercials that it was more of a comedy. As it turns out, it wasn’t much of a comedy at all.

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A Really Long Post About My Weekend

So this weekend has been pretty exciting ,I haven’t even had time to post. Friday night we (we being my parents, siblings, and myself) went to the drive in to see Ice Age: Continental Drift and The Dark Knight Rises and except for the terrible concession stand food, it Read the rest of this entry

Field Trip

Yesterday we spent almost the whole day in Lancaster and visited That Fish Place Pet Place, an 110,000 square foot pet store. The kids loved it. There were these fish specially bred to glow under black lights, the were pretty awesome.glowing fish

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Worlds Most Awesomest Mom

I realized after writing my first blog post that I didn’t mention my mom except to say she’s beenĀ remarried. So today I’m going to remedy that by writing a post dedicated to her.

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Hello world!

Hello everyone!

My name is Katrina and I am an upcoming college freshman. This is my first time having a personal blog.

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